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Fan-related links
The Bombhappies on Facebook

The Bombhappies @ MySpace

Friend’s bands
Le Muhr
Do you like how Johan handles the drums?
Well, then try listening to this band where he plays drums aswell. We also share rehearsal studio with this band.
It’s in Swedish, but we tell you – it’s worth going to school for!

Blanka are the resident band at Tomtebogatan, so we bump in to them every now and then. They are also becoming our friends, slowly but surely. We love their music, though it’s sadness brakes our hearts sometimes. Don’t miss this band!

Killer Joe
It’s a gas! gas! gas! It’s a heartache. It’s just too good to be true. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock’n’roll!
Killer Joe is Johan of the Bombhappies, who composes songs and writes lyrics that are too good to be wasted on the band. And… also it’s a whole different genre anyway. Really. 

Don’t Be a Stranger 
This is a very cool band that we know. Their next album will be released as a cow or a hamster, or in another freaky media.

We like The Beatles and Ed Harcourt and so do our old Karlstad friends in Mellowmen. It’s so well produced and has such a perfect sound. Our faces are green from envy.

Look at the suits. They look so great! We wouldn’t have the slightest chance to keep up with the competion. We chose lo-fi.

Other cool things on the Internet
T-post is a monthly subscription to t-shirts. It’s like a monthly subscription to a magazine, but without the magazine (and a t-shirt instead). Joel has a subscription and therefore he always wears very cool T-shirts.

Albert Tucker
Albert Tucker, who died in 2000, is generally considered one of the most important Australian painters of the 20th century. He is very famous for his paintings, but not as famous for the fact that he (through his work) introduced the meaning of “bomb happies” to The Bombhappies. By visiting this link, you can change that!